1. How long are shipping times?

We work with suppliers around the world to source high quality products. Our suppliers typically ship items within one to three days of receiving an order. From that point, depending on the supplier it takes 7 to 14 days for items to arrive.  As soon as your product ships, you'll receive a tracking number that will let you keep tabs of where your order is at all times. Please note, that due to the extreme popularity of our offers, these are only estimating.  As we know the shipping time-frame is a bit long. We are constantly looking for suppliers who provide the type of items that fits into Lena's Boutiq's brand and with a faster delivery time.  In the meantime, we hope that you don't let that deter you from purchasing our items and looking "Fabulous"!


  1. What's your return policy?

To process your refund please contact us at info@lenasboutiq.com. Requests should be submitted within 15 days of delivery. (DO NOT SEND ITEM BEFORE CONTACTING US) or will we not be able to issue a refund as we need to ensure that all refunds are processed properly in accordance with our wholesalers return policy.

Damaged Items

  • For damaged items, please note a photo of the damage item(s) will be required in order to receive a full refund. Photo should show as it came in the package.
  • Damaged items will not be required to be returned. 
Non-Damaged Items
  • Items that are not damaged, for a faster refund items should be returned to our return center: 12 Main St, Suite #1034, Brewster New York 10509.(DO NOT SEND ITEM BEFORE CONTACTING US) 
  1. Can I cancel my order?

 Our sellers begin processing your order almost immediately upon receiving it (usually within 1-3 days), to ensure that orders are receive it as quickly as possible. Which leaves a very short window between order receipt and fulfillment. This is NOT a guarantee, but we recommend cancelling, within 24 to 48 hrs. of your purchase and we can try to cancel it on our end before the fulfillment process begins, otherwise, unfortunately, once an order has entered the fulfillment and shipping process, we are unable to cancel/modify/alter the order. 

As an alternative, you may initiate a return once you receive your order. Please visit our return policy.

If an order has been cancelled before it has shipped, but you still receive the package, (which we can also monitor the tracking) you can contact us at info@lenasboutiq.com to process your return.


  1. What happens if I receive the wrong item?

If there’s an issue with your order -- if it’s the wrong size, wrong color, defective, or otherwise not exactly what you wanted -- then simply notify us at info@lenasboutiq.com. And we will provide steps to begin the refund process. Please note a clear photo of the item will be required before a refund can be issued back to you. 


  1. Do You Offer Exchanges?

    • If the item has not yet shipped:
      We can assist in making changes to your order to get you the item you want. This may result in an even exchange or a partial refund/charge if the new item costs more or less than your original purchase.

    • If the item has already shipped:
      Exchanges are not available, but you have two options:

      1. Return First:

        • Send the item back to our return center at:
          12 Main St, Suite #1034, Brewster, NY 10509.
        • Once the return is processed, you’ll receive a refund for the amount paid for the item(s). You can then place a new order for the desired item.
      2. Simultaneous Return & Purchase:

        • Start the return process for the item you no longer want as outlined in Step #1.
        • Place a new order for the item you’d like to purchase. This allows you to secure the new item while your return is being processed.